What Is a WMS (Warehouse Management System)?

What Is a WMS (Warehouse Management System)?
What Is a WMS (Warehouse Management System)?

As is the case with most things in life these days, many big business decisions can often come down to what’s happening on the World Wide Web. Technology is evolving rapidly, and to stick with the times, they’re taking certain measures to improve their working standards. In this instance, it’s all about warehouse management systems.

Essentially, a WMS is a type of software used largely in manufacturing and retail, designed to track all goods as they travel through a given warehouse. It takes the panic of this process and puts down a set of policies, allowing a free-flowing, stable model. What’s not to love?

Today, we’re going to talk you through a few of the ins and outs of warehouse management systems and why they’re so practical.

How does a WMS work & what are the benefits?

A certain peace of mind comes with knowing your materials are tracked, with knowledge of where exactly they’re going. The WMS has all of the information needed so that when a customer sends something off or purchases an item, the WMS will immediately be able to check if it is available and how quickly they can take it from point A to point B.

The order will be marked as ready for packing, which, in turn, saves the need for an in-person check, which would likely take more time than a manual approach. When used effectively, it doesn’t take long for the financial benefits to set in, regardless of how much the WMS costs in the first place.

We all know this comes back to the art of greater technology, and with a WMS in place, you’re well-positioned to bring further innovations on board as time goes by. They can often update instantly, removing the need for external hiring, with an optimized supply chain to run right alongside it.

Plus, in addition to all of this, you get a much clearer picture of your inventory. It provides a real-time analysis of what is on the shelves with scanning, RFID, and other methods to minimize how much material is forgotten or altogether lost within the warehouse. If that isn’t a stress reliever, we don’t know what is.

Examples of Warehouse Management Systems

There is a myriad of things to consider when you’re looking into a warehouse management system. It’s just not a case of picking the latest piece of candy because when you take a peek behind the curtain, you realize there’s more to it than meets the eye.

For starters, you need to think about what kind of client you are and what industry you’re in. Every WMS has a different set of functions depending on what is coming in and out of the warehouse. From there, you need to plan out a budget based on the pricing as one of the most important factors to keep at the forefront of your mind.

It all comes down to just how complex the operation is, and with that comes the size of the warehouse itself. As your company grows and develops, the WMS may need to be adjusted to suit a larger space. It isn’t going to happen overnight, but if your investment really starts to pay off, scaling up is a big crossroads moment and a big decision for you and your team to make.

With all of that being said, we thought it’d be fun to pick through a handful of systems out there that can really get you thinking.

1. Fishbowl

No matter how big or small the fish, anyone can swim in this bowl (yes, we had to make a pun out of the name). It truly doesn’t matter what stage your company is at in your journey because Fishbowl offers up manufacturing and inventory solutions with QuickBooks. Reporting, order management, shipping, it’s all there, and more.

It prides itself on thoroughly inspecting every element your company needs to succeed, and it even gives out a free trial so you can taste before you try. There are great plugin products, too, giving you the chance to diversify and upgrade in different departments.

It may come across as a costly choice to some, but it’s one that many have opted for.

2. Striven

While there always tends to be a focal point on bigger companies in any industry, sometimes, you must think about tomorrow's upcoming stars. Striven has focused on that ideology, with this being a tool largely used by small and mid-sized corporations intending to keep an organized eye on their stock 24/7.

The software intends to simplify warehouse management with your inventory being available to view on the Striven dashboard whenever you get a new item through the door. You get a full report whenever you desire, giving you the feeling of a living, breathing assistant through your computer screen.

This one is a real winner with accounting and CRM integration and record tracking information from beginning to end. Sure, it may not be suitable for larger-scale businesses out there, but there are always other options.

3. Oracle NetSuite

Oracle is the brand that many tend to associate with WMS, if only because of their ability to make their presence known in the mainstream marketing world. The NetSuite WMS can streamline your manufacturing operations and help users perform big tasks, largely centered around the processing and storing of goods and materials.

Shipping management, a map of the warehouse, cycle count plans, task management, returns authorization receipts - you name it, and they’ve got it. The system itself is simple and easy to use, it allows for wireless warehousing, and there’s a company guarantee that always helps offer reassurance.

Sometimes the most obvious answer can be right in front of you - but that’s down to the reader to decide.

4. Körber Supply Chain Software

For more complex supply chain operations needing scalability and customization, Körber’s WMS might be a great solution and can integrate with your existing ERP system. Some client’s using their ERP system’s integrated supply chain or warehousing tool might be outgrowing that solution. This is the time to consider a best-of-breed WMS that can integrate with your existing ERP. This scenario is when we most often see client’s reach out to Körber and other similar providers to implement a best-of-breed WMS solution. While more complex in implementation, these systems often can provide the best return on investment and scalability.

Need help with your WMS?

Warehouse management systems are practical, logistical tools that can be utilized to really enhance the overall quality of your business structure. They may seem complex at first, but once you get to grips with how they really work, it creates a seamless transition from a potential cluster to something far more desirable.

But if you want to know more about them or need help with managed IT services, why not try Velo? We offer a four-pillared support, security, strength, and strategy system. We’re able to take you through every detail of everything you need to know, whether it be server-based, a technical fault, or just an everyday question.

If you’re interested in learning more, feel free to get in touch!

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