Aaron Hibbs

Aaron Hibbs

Support Engineer

Tell us a little about yourself.

My name is Aaron, I was born and raised in Texas. I have been in the IT field for 10 years and plan to stay in it for the foreseeable future . In my free time I train Jujitsu, spend time with my family and recently picked up gardening.

How did you get started in IT?

I have been tinkering with PC's since I was a child but never tried to make a career out of it. At 20 while working at TacoBell I met and became friends with someone in the field. They taught me Active Directory and account creation. I got my first IT job shortly after and have been hooked ever since.

Why did you choose to work at Velo?

My own ideals greatly aligned with Velo's mission to provide top-notch IT services. This company's emphasis on excellence and perseverance is consistent with my own work ethic, which is what motivated me to join Velo.

What do you consider your greatest strength?

Sustainability, I tackle every task with an attitude that won't allow me to fall short. I'm dedicated to solving issues, putting in endless effort to work through them until they are fixed.

Favorite quote?

"If you want to be a lion, you must train with lions." – Carlson Gracie, Sr.

Tell us a little about yourself.

My name is Aaron, I was born and raised in Texas. I have been in the IT field for 10 years and plan to stay in it for the foreseeable future . In my free time I train Jujitsu, spend time with my family and recently picked up gardening.

How did you get started in IT?

I have been tinkering with PC's since I was a child but never tried to make a career out of it. At 20 while working at TacoBell I met and became friends with someone in the field. They taught me Active Directory and account creation. I got my first IT job shortly after and have been hooked ever since.

Why did you choose to work at Velo?

My own ideals greatly aligned with Velo's mission to provide top-notch IT services. This company's emphasis on excellence and perseverance is consistent with my own work ethic, which is what motivated me to join Velo.

What do you consider your greatest strength?

Sustainability, I tackle every task with an attitude that won't allow me to fall short. I'm dedicated to solving issues, putting in endless effort to work through them until they are fixed.

Favorite quote?

"If you want to be a lion, you must train with lions." – Carlson Gracie, Sr.

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