Chris Trosclair

Chris Trosclair

Sales Engineer

Tell us a little about yourself.

I am a proud dad of two girls, husband, and US Marines veteran. After a tour of duty in Afghanistan working in aviation information management, and another five years of technical support work in the corporate world, we were thrilled to have Chris join our support team and provide his excellent troubleshooting and technical knowledge to our clients.

How did you get started in IT?

Why did you choose to work at Velo?

What do you consider your greatest strength?

Favorite quote?

“Life’s a garden. Dig it.”

Trosclair or “TC” is a proud dad of two girls, husband, and US Marines veteran. After a tour of duty in Afghanistan working in aviation information management, and another five years of technical support work in the corporate world, we were thrilled to have Chris join our support team and provide his excellent troubleshooting and technical knowledge to our clients.

Personal Mantra
“Life’s a garden. Dig it.”

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