Daanyal Kazi

Daanyal Kazi

Strength Engineer

Tell us a little about yourself.

I am a proud first-generation American, natively of California, and excited to continue my journey into the ever-expanding world of IT here in Dallas, Texas. I love hearing different languages and learning about various cultures. In my spare time, I enjoy driving along country roads and visiting small towns, playing roleplaying games, and having late-night talks with friends.

How did you get started in IT?

Why did you choose to work at Velo?

I chose to work at Velo above all else because of the cultural values and unique perspectives portrayed by the company, as well as the emphasis it places on teamwork. I could feel the camaraderie the moment I walked onto the eleventh floor.

What do you consider your greatest strength?

I love breaking down complicated ideas into digestible concepts. Whether it be in IT, economics, or even in entertainment. I pride myself on being able to explain difficult things to a five-year-old.

Favorite quote?

“[Aim to] not merely bear what is necessary… but love it.” — Friedrich Nietzsche

Tell us a little about yourself.

I am a proud first-generation American, natively of California, and excited to continue my journey into the ever-expanding world of IT here in Dallas, Texas. I love hearing different languages and learning about various cultures. In my spare time, I enjoy driving along country roads and visiting small towns, playing roleplaying games, and having late-night talks with friends.

Why did you choose to work at Velo?

I chose to work at Velo above all else because of the cultural values and unique perspectives portrayed by the company, as well as the emphasis it places on teamwork. I could feel the camaraderie the moment I walked onto the eleventh floor.

What do you consider your greatest strength?

I love breaking down complicated ideas into digestible concepts. Whether it be in IT, economics, or even in entertainment. I pride myself on being able to explain difficult things to a five-year-old.

Favorite quote?

“[Aim to] not merely bear what is necessary… but love it.” — Friedrich Nietzsche

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